
Corporate Sponsorship of Palaeontological Research and Education

16 July, 2010
I was sitting on the can last night (too much information?), reading A Guide to Dinosaurs (Brochu, Long, McHenry, Scanlon, and Willis; Fog City Press, 2002), and ran across this image:
Qantassaurus, from A Guide To Dinosaurs, 2002


This hypsilophondontid lived in the early Cretaceous in what is now Victoria, Australia.  It was the size of a grey kangaroo, and had huge eyes.  And they lived at a time when the area was completely within the Arctic Circle, so they had to tolerate (or at least cope with) extremely long nights.  Long nights as in months long nights. 

Notice the name, however.  It is named for Qantas airlines.  It honours the airlines support of dinosaur education at the Melbourne Museum.  And I have no problem with this.  I think it is a great idea.  However, as I continued my evening constitutional, I began to muse (out loud) about other possible corporate sponsorships of  dinosaurs. 

For instance, Coca Cola could sponsor a dinosaur — Cocacolasaurus.  Which, at some future date, could be cloned.  The clone could be called the Cokezerosaurus.

An anti-gay corporation (like Papa John’s) could sponsor a Nosaurass. Or the same creature could be sponsored by the makers of KY.

KMart could sponsor a Bluelightasaurus.

Walmart could sponsor Rollbaccasaurus.

Boeing could sponsor a Dreamlinersaurus.

McDonalds could sponsor a McRaptor.

Burger King could sponsor a Burgersaurus Rex.

Union Pacific could sponsor a Bigboysaurus.

Halliburton could sponsor a coprolite.

Even the government could get involved.  The United States Postal Service could sponsor Oopsysaurus. 

The NSA could sponsor Doyouthinkheheardus.

I actually think that corporate sponsorship of research not related to their field is a great idea, especially for sciences with little direct monetary return.  However, I also know Americans.  And we would, without doubt, take it to the illogical extreme.  Just picture the dinosaur the DiscoInstitute would name.

Any other ideas?


  1. I literally had tears in my eyes from laughing at the coprolite for Halliburton!

  2. Well, the obvious one, of course: The one sponsored by the publishers of Roget’s reference tome, Rogetthesaurus.

    Since you obviously have knowledge of the “Bigboy”, maybe such sponsorship should get a pass if another Ultrasaurus is found and so named?

  3. What do you think it would run me to have something named Postiesurus Rex?

  4. Revatheist:

    I was trying to think of something apropriate for Halliburton and realized that they are scheisse, so . . . .


    Why I did not think of that one, I have no idea.


    Well, it would most likely be far cheaper to sponsor a budding palaeontologist for a doctorate. Far cheaper than sponsoring the entire dinowing of a museum. Still out of our league, pricewise, but still cheaper.

    Two that were thought of later:

    Kotex could sponsor an Apadasaurus, and Pearl Vision could sponsor a Doyouthinkhesaurus.

  5. McRaptor?

    That’s actually very catchy!

    “Want fries with that?”

  6. Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

  7. I’m wondering if there is a way to control how Wp ‘crops’ or places an image that can be viewed in full by clicking. Wp seems to show the middle of the reduced image, and I would prefer to show the top of the image. (If that makes sense.)

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    Remember, there is a statement that failure. There are just lazy. Whatever it is, plays …

    Best Regards …

  9. Hi, How are you?

    Life goes on. But the Web sites, updates never stops. What’s New in new systems and services every day is present.

    Internet under 6 hours a day by visiting the web sites, I do self assessments.

    This site is useful to see the purpose of service. But it could have been stronger than some of the issues and services.

    We think that Internet users spend just a good time. This hour of fun we want to learn something new.

    A request is the administrator of this site will be the best in your hand, thinking of us. Thank you for your attention.

    Wishing you success in your work.

    Remember, there is a statement that failure. There are just lazy. Whatever it is, plays …

    Best Regards …

  10. !’wOw’! Thank you very too much…

  11. The alleged abuse came from Ray Stark, who produced Barbara’s 1968 smash-hit, ‘Funny Girl,’ and her 1973 duet with Robert Redford, ‘The Way We Were.’ And Jon says that Babs was so scarred by the treatment, she’s still not recovered all these years later.

  12. Hi, How are you?

    Life goes on. But the Web sites, updates never stops. What’s New in new systems and services every day is present.

    Internet under 6 hours a day by visiting the web sites, I do self assessments.

    This site is useful to see the purpose of service. But it could have been stronger than some of the issues and services.

    We think that Internet users spend just a good time. This hour of fun we want to learn something new.

    A request is the administrator of this site will be the best in your hand, thinking of us. Thank you for your attention.

    Wishing you success in your work.

    Remember, there is a statement that failure. There are just lazy. Whatever it is, plays …

    Best Regards …

  13. My friend, I call’m as I see’m: you’re verily confused, as I was not too long ago. But, yet, I grew-up outta this filthy, whorizontal mainstream ruled by Satan’s world. Personally, I’m God-fearing because we A-L-L must someday sometime somewhere bite-the-dust; we’re A-L-L sinfull mortals due to Adam. Then what? Then, while our body becomes food for grubsNwormsNlarva to be recycled in the grave, our indelible soul lives fo’eva. While we can escape Jesus while on earth, we can never escape after death: Jesus shall judge U.S. on how well WE have lived our finite existence, deserving Heaven or Hell. No in between. Thus, it wouldn’t be a reeeeeeeel good idea to be a LeftyLib who only worships the whorizontal. God bless you with discernment. Meet me Upstairs, k, where we’ll have a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy celebrating our resurrection for maaany eons. You’re most invited. See ya soon.

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